Loughborough University

Cost and energy implications of leakage in water distribution networks in County Galway

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posted on 2020-10-06, 14:45 authored by Kaylass Ramlagan
Leakage in Water Supply Schemes (WSS) is a major problem in Ireland. Cost and energy associated with leakage is becoming more and more apparent as higher levels of treatment are required to ensure that increasingly stringent drinking water quality standards are met. Many solutions have recently emerged to tackle the growing leakage problem in large WSS around the world but small to medium size WSS as commonly found in Ireland have received little consideration. The severity of the problem in three WSS in County Galway has been exposed by associating the potential energy and cost savings that can be achieved if leakage was reduced to an acceptable level. Potential measures and a model have been proposed which can be further developed to enhance decision making while preparing leakage management strategies in WSS in County Galway and elsewhere.



  • Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering

Research Unit

  • Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)