posted on 2018-07-02, 11:31authored byWan S. Wan Ismail
This thesis presents a theoretical and computer simulation of electromigration behaviour in the Integrated Circuit (IC) interconnection, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of the time-to-failure (TTF) produced through the Lumped Element model. The current and most accepted physical model for electromigration is the Stress Evolution Model which forms the basis for the development of the current Lumped Element Model. For early failures, and ignoring transport through the grain bulk, the problem reduces to that of solving the equations for stress evolution equation on the complex grain boundary networks which make the cluster sections of the near-bamboo interconnect. The present research attempts to show that the stress evolution in a grain boundary cluster network mimics the time development of the voltage on an equivalent, lumped CRC electrical network. [Continues.]
Standards and Industrial Research Institute of
Malaysia (SIRIM Berhad).
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
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Publication date
A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.