Environmental stressors: the effects of raised ambient temperatures and meaningful noise, and their interactions, on human performance and physiological reactions
posted on 2017-10-24, 08:36authored byAndrew G. McK. Nicholl
Two levels of pre-recorded traffic noise and three ambient temperatures
at similar levels of water vapour pressure were studied for their effects
on the performance of (1) the Tsai-Partington and short-term memory tests,
(2) a simple reaction-time test, and (3) a light assembly task over two-hour
periods. Measures of urinary sodium, heart rate and body temperatures
(by ear canal and two skin probes) were also taken.
Analyses show significant simple and interactive effects of heat and noise.
The results are consistent with current theories of arousal.
Arbetarsskyddsfonden, the Swedish Occupational
Health and Safety Fund, on a contract to Ergolab AB, Stockholm.
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Publication date
A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.