posted on 2010-11-01, 12:06authored byShih-Tung Shu
This thesis investigates relationships between external linkages and new product
innovativenessf ocusing particularly on the perspectiveo f a knowledge-enabledv iew
of new product development. Building on organisational learning theory and
knowledge-basedth eorieso f inter-firm collaboration,t his thesis arguest hat the effects
of external linkages on new product innovativeness vary and these are largely
contingent upon a finn's absorptive capacity. The finn's level of absorptive capacity
determines how effectively knowledge from external collaborators relevant to the new
product project is absorbed, resulting in the creation of new knowledge that the finn
can apply for its own commercial use. It considers why some firms are more effective
than others at absorbing new product related knowledge from external collaborators to
facilitate more innovative product development.
Based on an empirical study of 116 new product development projects in
Taiwanese Information Technology (IT) firms, the thesis assesses the relative
importance of external linkages in increasing new product innovativeness. The results
showt hat the impacto f horizontall inks (that is, collaborationw ith otherc ompanies,
research institutes, and universities) on gains in new product related knowledge is
greater than that of vertical linkages (that is, supplier and customer involvement).
Compared to links with customers, universities, and research institutes, corporate
linkages play the most prominent and consistent role in enhancing the accumulation
of new product related knowledge. This knowledge namely pertains to
predevelopmenat ssessmentR, &D, manufacturinga nd marketing. The thesis confirms
that the firm's absorptive capacity positively affects its gains in new product related
knowledge. In addition, absorptive capacity's interactions with corporate linkages
have significant, positive effects on gains in new product related knowledge. However such interaction effects were not observed for the other external linkages, with
exception of industry-based research institute linkage. Moreover, the results confinn
that the positive impacts of absorptive capacity, corporation linkages, and supplier
linkages on new product innovativeness are mediated by the extent of new product
related knowledge gained.
This thesis bridges the gap between theories of organisational absorptive
capacity and the effective generation of new products. It contributes to our
understanding of the role of a firm's absorptive capacity in NPD research. It examines
this issue from a knowledge-enabled view of new product development. The findings
will assist managers to more effectively formulate NPD strategy by incorporating
firms' internal learning capacity with the complementary knowledge and technology
that external collaborators can provide.