When the radiat Ion from a sufficient Iy powerful pulsed laser Is
focused into transparent gaseous, liquid or solid media, dielectric
breakdown may occur around the beam waist giving rise to a shortI
ived high-temperature plasma which quickly heats the surrounding
material. As a consequence of various energy-coupling mechanisms,
this phenomenon causes the emission of one or more high-frequency
ultrasonic acoustic waves whose speeds of propagation are dependent
upon the physical propert les of the host medium. In the high-speed
photographic studies described In this doctoral thesis, the 1.06-l'm
near-Infrared radlat Ion from an 8-ns, lO-mJ Q-swl tched Nd:YAG laser
Is focused In or onto a variety of fluid and solid materials. The
rapid variations In density around the resulting plasma events are
visualised using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with a sub-nanosecond
dye-laser light source and a vldeo-Imaglng system. Calculat Ions of
the corresponding transient pressure distributions are then enacted
from the digitally-recorded Interferograms using a semi-automat Ic
procedure under the control of a personal computer. Measurements of
position. displacement and velocity are also carried out using the
same opt ical apparatus In schlleren and focused shadowgraph highspeed
photographic arrangements.
The experimental work outlined In the following chapters is divided
Into three broad fields of Interest. In the first of these, a study
of the laser-generation of spherical shock waves· in atmospheric air
is carried out. In the second, the neOdymium-laser beam Is focused
onto different solid-fluid Interfaces resulting In the formation of
bulk longitudinal and shear waves and surface acoustic waves. The
Interactions of these waves with various obstacles and defects are
Investigated with reference to their application to non-destructive
test Ing. [n the third and most Important field, a detailed study of
the dynamics of laser-Induced cavitation bubbles In water Is carried
out. With regard to the associated phenomenon of cavitation erosion,
particular attention Is paid to the formation of spherical acoustic
waves by radlally-oscillatlng vapour cavities at various distances
from transparent rigid boundaries.