This report describes the theory of formula-based Line
of Balance and the two extrer,e Line of Balance methods which
can be used for scheduling housing projects. Of the two
compromise methods which are then introduced, the decision
rule method is the most im-l~ortant because it enables the
schedule to be chosen on economic grounds.
A computer llrogram called DARLOD is fully described,
and is used to process data for a housing project. This project
is used to illustrate the three most important Line of Balance
scheduling methods.
The unit house network has a great bearing on the fim:l
cost of the housing project, on the scheduling method chosen,
and on the final schedule. This report therefore shows how the
design and construction decisions which determine the network
shOUld be made so that a low cost, short duration schedule is
Before scheduling a housing project it is necessary to
detennine which scheduling method should be used. This report
therefore relates JJine of Iialance to house building in Great
Britain, and concludes that full Line of Balance scheduling by
the methods described in this report is at present only
economic for largc, non-speculative projects consisting of
system or industrialized houses.