posted on 2012-09-28, 10:02authored byDwight W. Tanner
Canadian management, like most other things Canadian,
shows definite signs of its cultural antecedents in Britain
and France, and the proximity of Canada to the United States.
It would be unrealistic to deny these influences, but it would
be inaccurate to say that Canadian management is merely a
product of the country's past, or its current proximity to the
United States.
Canadian management is a house which can be viewed from
a variety of perspectives, and it is through familiarizing
oneself with the front, back, and both sides, getting up on
the roof, and then peering in through the windows that one
develops a comprehensive view. No one single perspective, no
matter how detailed, can offer a complete picture of what
Canadian management is all about. Canadian managers are often thought of by Europeans as
being similar to their American counterparts, which is
understandable considering the size of the United States'
economy compared to the Canadian economy. However, there are
subtle, and not so subtle distinctions between management in
the two societies, and it is my aim to capture and record the
distinctions and to summarize them in a manner which allows
one to see the unique characteristics of Canadian management.
My primary goal was to record and comment on the aspects
of Canadian management which make it unique. This goal was
approached in a variety of
5 detail the social and
ways. For example, Chapters 4 and
economic environment, past and
present, which increases one's understanding'of the context
that both influences Canadian managers, and in which they
operate on a daily basis. In contrast to these macro level
factors that influence Canadian management, a more detailed
look was taken at the education of Canadian managers in
Chapter 6, and the influences that education has on management
style were discussed [...continues].