posted on 2018-01-09, 12:11authored byV.M. Goncharenko
This thesis contains the matrix generalisations of some important results known
in the theory of the scalar Schrödinger operators. In the first part we discuss the one-dimensional
matrix Schrodinger equations in complex domain. The main results here
are the local criteria for the Schrödinger operators to have trivial monodromy and
a matrix generalisation of the well-known Duistermaat-Grünbaum theorem giving
the description of such operators in terms of Darboux transformations.
In the second part we consider D-integrable matrix Schrodinger operators in
many dimensions. The local criteria on singularities of such operators are found and
new examples are constructed.
In the last chapter we discuss the soliton solutions of the matrix KdV equations
and study the interaction of two solitons.
Loughborough University. Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the United Kingdom (Overseas Research
Student Award).
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Publication date
A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.