Cricket is a traditional team sport played in over 100 countries around the
world. Unlike many mainstream sports, cricket has seen little research and
development within the equipment used to play the game. Ball launching
machines have been used as a training aid in a number of sports including
cricket, however, as with the playing equipment used, these too have seen
little development. Current cricket bowling machines enable players to train
at a high intensity producing repeatable deliveries for batsmen to hone their
skills. A need has been established by the coaching staff of the England and
Wales Cricket Board (ECB) for a cricket training system that provides
batsmen with a match realistic environment in which to train. Existing cricket
bowling machines do not offer batsmen pre-release visual information that
they would receive in a match situation and the most popular models release
moulded, dimpled balls that do not replicate the performance of cricket balls.... cont'd.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering