posted on 2011-02-15, 12:04authored byXiaoming (Lucy) Lu
Despite the growing body of literature on online loyalty issues, little research has
been conducted on the link between relationship quality (RQ) and customer loyalty
in the context of Internet grocery shopping. The existing literature on electronic
retailing does not explain the differences in loyalty across product and service
categories. As shopping for groceries is generally an activity repeated at regular
time intervals, consumers' behaviours is likely to be very different when purchasing
goods and services which are only needed occasionally. Due to the frequency of
grocery purchase, a relationship is likely to be developed between customers and the
retailer. Whilst perceived service quality and customer satisfaction have been
recognised as antecedents of customer loyalty in previous studies, it is not
understood whether RQ adds any additional effect over the traditional measure such
as perceived service quality and customer satisfaction in determining loyalty in
Internet grocery shopping. Therefore, this study attempts to address this research
gap by incorporating a RQ perspective, as well as customer satisfaction and
perceived service quality.
Building on an extensive literature review, RQ is conceptualised and examined for
its theoretical applicability via an initial qualitative study, followed by a quantitative
phase using structural equation modelling analysis with the data collected by an esurvey
of 519 Internet grocery shoppers. The results show that RQ is positively
associated with customer loyalty in Internet grocery shopping. Among the
dimensions of RQ, relationship satisfaction has the strongest direct effect on the
formation of customer loyalty. In addition, loyalty can be also developed through
perceived relational investment and affective commitment. Moreover, it is found
that perceived relational investment from the Internet grocery retailer indirectly
influence customer loyalty. Contrary to expectation, trust plays a very unimportant
role in developing customer loyalty in Internet grocery shopping. The finding also
indicates that e-service quality has a significant effect on e-satisfaction in Internet
grocery shopping. In order to see whether the multi-component RQ model can
perform better than the global RQ model, a comparison is made between the
aggregated and the disaggregated model of RQ. The results indicate that the
disaggregated model performs much better than the aggregated one.