Understanding the process underlying the act of studying in schools has vexed
teachers for many years in their quest for ideal teaching methods to help young
learners reach educational goals. One strand of studying is the ability to use
library resources effectively -to use the recorded achievements of others in the
pursuit of learning and the acquisition of the skills for learning. The methods used
to train schoolchildren in the use of libraries and their resources, whilst
themselves up-to-date in pedagogical terms, failed to achieve the standards
articulated by institutions of higher and further education. Successive reports on
how students handled library tasks suggested that schools should share the
responsibility by introducing aspects of library use during school days so that those
who went on to extend their education could make full use of the enriched library
environment available there. [Continues.]
Publications submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Ph.D. of Loughborough University of Technology.
This submission has been redacted for reasons relating to the law of copyright. The complete submission in hard copy is kept at the University Library, Loughborough University.