Studying the interaction of the microbial cell with its physical and chemical environment
posted on 2013-05-15, 09:21authored byChristopher J. Hewitt
The papers submitted here by me for consideration for admission to a Higher Doctorate
concern more than 14 years of work carried out at the engineering/life science interface in a
number of cross-disciplinary but complementary areas each of which is discussed briefly
below. The core of this work was the development of analytical cytological techniques such as
multi-parameter flow cytometry that allowed the measurement of a microbial cell s
physiological state and the subsequent use of these techniques, amongst others, to understand a
cells interaction with its chemical and physical environment for bioprocess understanding and
informed scale-up. The industrial relevance of the work has led to me being employed as a
consultant for companies such as Celgene (USA), Novozymes (Sweden), Emergent
Biosolutions, Merck, Unilever, Oxoid Ltd, Degussa-Huels (Germany), Cobra Therapeutics and
GlaxoSmithklineWelcome advising on appropriate analytical techniques and all types of
bioprocess development.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
This thesis is closed access as it consists of published articles which cannot be made freely available online. Submission for the higher doctorate degree of Doctor of Science (DSc).