The research work was concened with the design of tension compensators for spinning-winding machines for the purposes of
reducing winding tension variation during high speed cone winding.
Initially, the research was directed to investigating the 'winding
error', i.e. the difference between yarn supply and demand, which
was the main cause of winding tension variation. Mathematical
models were established to analyse the winding velocity variation
and yarn path length variation. Several methods have been
investigated to reduce winding tension variation and to develop
tension compensators. These include using a servo motor to keep
constant winding velocity and using a curved distribution bar to keep
constant path length. Two promising tension compensators were
selected for detailed investigation. they were a mechanical
compensator and a mechatronic compensator.Based on the analysis of 'winding error', A multiple bar
mechanism was devised, analysed and optimised to provide tension
compensation. Further consideration has been given to a
microprocessor controlled mechanism, that works according to
predetermined look-up tables and sensor signals to reduce winding
tension variation. The computer simulation of yarn winding process,
the software design for the optimisation of mechanical compensator
and the control of mechatronic compensator, and the results of
winding tension experimentation are also presented in the thesis.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering