The successive conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1991 onwards represented
one of the most significant challenges for the European Union in the immediate post-
Cold War context.
This experience also coincided with the most intense period of
development of the EU's formal external competences. The aims of this thesis are to
establish what actions the EU took in relation to four conflicts that broke out in the
former Yugoslavia; to determine the extent to which the nature of this involvement
changed over time; and to examine how the identified patterns of activity might be
best characterised. The objective of this characterisation of the EU's involvement in
the fonner Yugoslavia is to consider how it has progressed, as distinct from other
international actors, including its own member states. Four periods are considered
corresponding with the conflicts in Slovenia/Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo
and the FYR of Macedonia. The extent to which the EU's policy towards the former
Yugoslavia is evidence of an emerging European Foreign Policy is then considered,
through a discussion of the extent to which key features associated with the notion of
'foreign policy' are identifiable in this particular case. In conclusion it is argued that
by 2001 the EU had developed what can be characterised as a limited and context specific,
but nevertheless distinctive, foreign policy.