Towards a Rutland bibliography: a study of the concept, practice and purpose of county bibliographies with specific reference to research for a Rutland bibliography
The thesis has grown out of an extensive survey of the literature pertaining to the
county of Rutland. The survey was an original idea to produce a county bibliography
which had both a short-title catalogue of conventional references and full physical
descriptions of the books of the county. Two types of bibliography, analytical and
systematic, are combined in one survey. The thesis is an account of this project
together with a rigorous review of the theoretical background against which it was
The practice of bibliography, and specifically of bibliographies of counties, is
reviewed. A new definition of county bibliography is offered, together with its
appropriate objects of study (book, pamphlet, leaflet, ephemera and publication are
some of the specific concepts defined here).
The research methods employed for the Rutland project are described and a
plan outlined showing how a comprehensive survey of any English county's literature
could be achieved. Especially important here are the lessons learned from on-line
searching. There is a detailed discussion of inclusion and exclusion policies
appropriate for a county bibliography, and an account of how this material should be
presented and described. A new classification system for a county bibliography is
outlined, and older solutions to the classification problem reviewed.
The lessons of the Rutland project are discussed, including presentation of a
statistical breakdown of the Rutland material, and whether the way in which the
Rutland project was conducted could be copied for other counties. The Rutland
statistics are contrasted with those for other counties.
Several appendices present bibliographical information, lists of categories of
literature encountered and samples from the Rutland survey.