The travelling magnetic wave of a linear induction motor induces eddy currents in a
secondary circuit (usually a sheet consisting at least partly of a non-magnetic metal, often
aluminium), which cause the unrestrained member to move linearly in the direction of the
travelling wave. A linear motor can also transport ferromagnetic powder, although this
travels in the opposite direction to the travelling magnetic field. The motion is therefore
due to a mechanism other than the eddy currents flowing in the sheet secondary.
Expressions for the forces acting on an iron particle due to a travelling magnetic field are
derived in the thesis. Preliminary experiments support the assumptions made in the
derivations of the force expressions and lead to the formation of an hypothesis. This is
shown to be capable of predicting both linear and rotational particle speeds and, with
greater accuracy, the distance travelled and the rotation experienced by the particles.
Experiments conducted on tubular and transverse flux motors have enabled different linear
motors to be identified as suitable for a number of powder transportation applications.
The results obtained show also the importance of large flux density values, the tangential
to normal flux density ratio and large pole-pitch winding arrangements, with the latter
lending support to the original hypothesis.
The results of a finite element investigation of the tubular motor did not closely agree with
the results from the experimental motor although similar trends were evident. Flux
density values within particles were found to be considerably greater than those outside,
as assumed in the hypothesis.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering