posted on 2012-01-05, 14:27authored byLee J. Nelson
Coach learning is a complex process of which we have relatively little appreciation.
Existing knowledge is largely fragmented and has tended to lack conceptual clarity
and theoretical depth of understanding. This investigation sought to build on existing
understanding by adding to a limited body of information about knowledge structures,
learning situations, motives and deterrents to learning, and means of enhancing the
provision of coach education.
Data were derived from 90 UK practitioners (82 males &8 females),
comprising a range of sports (n = 8), who had accumulated on average 23 years of
coaching experience (ranging from 3-50 years). Semi-structured interviews were
conducted with 16 elite performance coaches. 74 practitioners of a diverse range of
coaching levels completed open-ended questionnaires. All of the data were subjected
to inductive content analysis. A number of theoretical `hooks' were utilised within the
analysis process to help make sense of the findings.
Analysis of the findings demonstrated that: (1) while it was possible to
compartmentalise the coaches' knowledge structures (i. e., Ologies, Pedagogy, and
Sport Specific), coaching practice likely requires integrated understanding; (2) the
coaches under investigation learnt in formal, nonformal, and informal situations; (3)
the participants' learning endeavours were largely driven by an internal desire to
actualise their coaching potential; (4) dispositional, institutional, and situational
barriers were shown to deter these practitioners from further coach learning
participation; and (5) these practitioners were pragmatic learners who desired relevant
and usable knowledge. Exploration of the coaches' educational experiences, and
perceptions about optimal provision, revealed that they wanted more active learning
opportunities (i. e., observations, group discussions, practical experiences, and
mentoring schemes).
Collectively, the results of this investigation built upon previous
understanding of coach learning. They highlighted the significance and underresearched
link between the types of knowledge these coaches had acquired, what
drove their continued learning engagement, and how these factors had influenced
their actual and preferred learning approaches. These findings, therefore, not only
contributed towards a greater understanding of how coaches learn, but what needs to
be considered if the ongoing development of coaching practitioners is to be better
supported. Continued exploration of these factors is required if greater depth of
understanding is to evolve.