Loughborough University

Eileen Yu

Professor of Electrochemical Engineering (Engineering; Chemical sciences; Biological sciences)

Loughborough, UK

Eileen Yu joined Loughborough in 2020. She holds a Chair in Electrochemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering. She obtained PhD from Newcastle University under supervision of Prof. Keith Scott with the study on the development of direct methanol alkaline fuel cells, which was one of the first studies in the area. After her PhD, she worked as a research fellow at Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany, before returning to Newcastle to take a prestigious EPSRC Research Fellowship (Life Science Interface) in 2006. She has participated in attracting more than £20m total research funding from UKRI. She has established her research group with focuses on novel bioelectrochemical systems for healthcare, CO2 utilization, energy and environmental applications.


  • https://lupin.lboro.ac.uk/userprofile.html?uid=29718&em=false

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Swee Su Lim

Swee Su Lim

Ian Head

Ian Head

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