This folder contains the Psychopy files and stimuli used in Experiment 2. Note that left-percept is also referred to as LHS, right-percept as RHS, and two-term arithmetic as neutral or control condition. 'Expt5_LHSprimenew_breakv4' is the script for the left-percept condition, 'Expt5_RHSprimenew_breakv4'is for the right-percept condition, and 'Expt5_neutralnew_breakv4' is for the two-term arithmetic (aka 'control' or 'neutral' condition) Each script takes in the same excel file (to avoid any chance of timing differences from taking in different excel files in different conditions). The disadvantage of taking in the same excel file is that from the output, all of the columns are listed, so you have to pay attention to the title of the excel file, and the column in the excel file that provides the script name, to identify the condition. This is not hard. On each trial, the problem that is presented is in the 'Problem' column, Other columns with the word 'Problem' in their name are columns that have been used to extract/manipulate subexpressions within them. The formatting of the problems do look unusual. This is because the subtraction symbol needs to be in UTF-8 for Psychopy to identify it as a subtraction and not a hyphen. Thus, a subtraction is presented where the symbol looks like ^&. The practice trials exist in their own loop at the start. They needed to be in their own loop (as opposed to hard-coded) because they need to draw from an excel file in order to present the subtraction symbol in UTF-8. The left and neutral scripts were copies of the RHS script to make sure they are 100% identical with the exception of any attention manipulations applied. The two-term condition was copied from the RHS script (as said above). This was so that all of the timings would be 100% consistent - i.e. with Psychopy, issues and inaccuracies in timing are known from just playing stimuli. An invisible prime was therefore played - in white text, in the control condition, to make the timers 100% consistent. The logic for the scripts were taken from the previous attention experiment. All calculations in the scripts were validated 19/10/2017 in excel. It is known that the STDEV is the population SD. Three factors create the attentional bias - a prime, spacing and position of the subtraction. It is a triple manipulation!