This folder contains three excel workbooks that contain macro's which were used to analyse the data for the two experiments.The folder also contains the datafiles from 5 participants (a mixture of identifiers and non-identifiers, in different conditions), which can be used as an example of how to run the macro. Each participant's output file is run through the macro to extract the relevant data (e.g. means, medians of accuracy or response time). The data from the macro can then be entered into the results spreadsheet - e.g. 'Experiment 1 for upload', 'Experiment 2 for upload'. 'Expt1_macro_control_condition' was used to extract the data for those in the two-term control condition of experiment 1. 'Expt1_macro_left&right_conditions' was used to extract the data for those in the left-prime and right-prime conditions of experiment 1. 'Expt2_macro_all_conditions' was used to extract the data for those in all three conditions in experiment 2.