Dear Participant,

Thank you for your continued interest.  If you want to participate in the research, please read the statement and then click the link to go to the questionnaire.

This study is being conducted by a PhD student (myself) at Loughborough University, supervised by Dr. Duncan Cramer

I am conducting a study exploring people’s relationships and depression.  The study takes place at two time intervals.

If you have already completed one questionnaire a few months ago, please click on the below link to the second questionnaire.

If you have not taken part in this research before, please click on the below link for new participants. 

Each stage involves completing 7 short questionnaires which should take no more than fifteen minutes.

 All information to be used in this study is strictly confidential, I will not be able to tell who you are from your response.

To reduce the risk of anyone seeing your responses you can exit the internet browser after you have sent your response.  Some questions are quite personal, so you might want to complete the questionnaire in private.  You are asked your mother's maiden name and your day of birth in order to match your responses at the two time intervals.  You will not be identifiable to me by giving this information.  Should you not wish to participate for whatever reason, feel free to withdraw at any stage, by clicking the 'reset' button.  If you have any questions or wish to withdraw retrospectively from this study, please do so before June 2004, you can email me at

Wendy Nicholls

Click here if you are a new participant

Click here to complete the second questionnaire