Named after Nelson
What might we expect to learn about a person through visiting a place named after them? This question has occupied design researchers at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom since 2021. Concerned with places associated with Nelson Mandela, the project results from a partnership between the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg, South Africa and Loughborough University.
This archival resource provides materials associated with this collaboration related to the project "Named after Nelson: Learning from places named after Nelson Mandela through graphic heritage" [NaN]. Undertaken with the Nelson Mandela Centre for Memory at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, NaN extends earlier collaboration between researchers at Loughborough University and the Foundation.
The project benefitted from support from the Accelerator Funding scheme (formerly known as Enterprise Project Funding) at Loughborough University. Accelerator Funding is responsible for distributing Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) to support knowledge exchange between higher education providers and non-academic organisations to benefit society and the economy.
Cite items from this project
Named after Nelson: Learning from places named after Nelson Mandela through graphic heritage [NaN]