posted on 2020-02-14, 10:12authored byRundong (Derek) Yan, Silvia Tolo, Sarah DunnettSarah Dunnett, John Andrews, Edoardo Patelli
The safety and reliability of critical
infrastructures is a key challenge in modern societies. This is all the more
true when referring to the nuclear power industry, due to the rigid safety
requirements on the one hand and the growing complexity of new systems on the
other. The current study investigates the potential of a resilience engineering
approach in dealing with current and future challenges in the context of
nuclear reactor safety. The efficiency of several resilience metrics for
capturing systems’ performance in the case of accidents are discussed, and a
novel framework for resilience analysis of nuclear reactor is proposed. The overall
aim of this work is to provide computational and theoretical tools for
resilience evaluation, paving the way for its application in the nuclear
A Resilience Modeling Framework for Improved Nuclear Safety : EP/R021759/1
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Published in
2020 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS)
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