Do mathematicians and undergraduates agree about explanation quality? - Dataset
Materials associated with the manuscript "Do mathematicians and undergraduates agree about explanation quality?".
Raw judgement data from both groups are in the tab "RawJudgements-All" in the excel sheet. Each line represents a judgement by the judge listed in the Judge column. The candidates are identified by file names from the zip folder (which contains 10 pdf files, one for each of the 10 explanations).
Data were analysed using the AnalysisScriptForSharing.R script, separately for the mathematician and undergraduate groups.
This resulted in the results in the ModelledResults tab of the excel sheet. Column headings are:
- individual: the explanation file name
- math.Ntot: total number of judgements made by mathematicians for this explanation
- math.N1: number of 'wins' by this explanation
- math.N0: number of 'losses' by this explanation
- math.theta: the beta parameter for this explanation derived from mathematicians' judgements
- the SE around the beta parameter derived from mathematicians' judgements
- ug columns are all analogous to the math columns.
- Science
- Mathematics Education Centre