This dataset is maintained by Ben Roberts (, Building Energy Research Group (BERG), School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University.
The IMPROVE project (IMproving the PRedictions of OVErheating) comprised a measurement phase and a modelling phase. The measurement phase is the subject of this dataset and was carried out from April 2021 to September 2021 (inclusive). Two matched pair houses, one synthetically occupied and one unoccupied were instrumented with sensors to measure: indoor dry bulb temperature, indoor operative temperature, indoor surface temperature, operation of synthetic occupancy (window, door, and curtain operation; internal heat gains), the whole house infiltration rate, single room ventilation rate, and the weather conditions.
The dataset is made publicly available here. This dataset includes:
- README file (.txt).
- Guidance document (.pdf).
- Indoor temperature, internal heat gain operation, and weather data (.csv).
Other information on the houses' geometry and construction can be found here:
This work has been carried out as part of the IMPROVE project (IMproving the PREdictions of OVErheating). IMPROVE is a consortium of two universities: Loughborough University and London South Bank University - and two industry stakeholders: Hilson Moran Partnership Ltd. and Inkling Partnership LLP.
Tyrens Research and Innovation Fund
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council