Loughborough University
Stiff mode evaluation of a variable stiffness micro-scale probing system.xlsx (4.3 MB)
Flexible mode evaluation of a variable stiffness micro-scale probing system.xlsx (2.12 MB)
2 files

Variable stiffness micro-scale tactile probing system

posted on 2016-01-11, 13:47 authored by Peter KinnellPeter Kinnell, Khalid AlblalaihidKhalid Alblalaihid, Simon Lawes

This data refers to the evaluation and testing of a new form of micro-scale tactile probing system, for tactile displacement measurement or use on a micro-scale coordinate measuring machine. It includes calibration data collected in four directions, as well as a range of repeatability tests, and stability tests conducted to evaluate sensor performance.

The associated paper for this data can be found at: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s16040492


The work was funded by EPSRC as part of the Fellowship of Dr Peter Kinnell in Collaborative Metrology (EP/L01498X/1), and in addition the PhD scholarship of Khalid Alblalaihid, awarded by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in London
