Loughborough University

Mathematical and numerical modelling of hybrid filtration systems

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posted on 2019-04-01, 09:15 authored by Antonis Parasyris, Marco DiscacciatiMarco Discacciati, Diganta Bhusan Das
We present a computational modelling framework to support the design and optimization of membrane-based water purification systems. Two modelling approaches are defined which differ in the way they describe the flow in the interfacial region between the feed domain and the membrane surface. Extensive comparison of the results obtained by the two methods highlights non-negligible differences in the predicted flow pattern, especially in the neighbourhood of the membrane. Numerical modelling and computer simulations permit to gain a deeper understanding of the flow behaviour than the sole experimental work, e.g., by identifying Dean vortices inside the feed domain and by relating them to geometrical and flow characteristics.


The first author acknowledges the support of the EPSRC Doctoral Training Programme awarded to Loughborough University



  • Science


  • Mathematical Sciences


PARASYRIS, , A., DISCACCIATI, M. and DAS, D.B., 2019. Mathematical and numerical modelling of hybrid filtration systems. [Submitted for publication].


  • SMUR (Submitted Manuscript Under Review)

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