Loughborough University
Evidence pack_full version_Spanish.docx (6.06 MB)
Evidence pack_summary_English.docx (432.8 kB)
2 files

Policy mapping of double-duty actions to tackle multiple forms of malnutrition in infants and young children in Peru: Evidence report

Version 2 2022-12-16, 11:10
Version 1 2022-12-14, 13:18
posted on 2022-12-16, 11:10 authored by Emily RoushamEmily Rousham, Violeta Rojas, Michelle Holdsworth, Rebecca PradeillesRebecca Pradeilles, Rossina Pareja, Hilary Creed-Kanashiro

The objectives of this policy mapping study were three fold: 

1. To collate evidence on double-duty actions and the enabling environment (infrastructure support) in Peru to address multiple forms of malnutrition in IYC; 

2. To assess the level of implementation of the identified double-duty actions (interventions/policies) and infrastructure components; and 

3. To identify and prioritise double-duty actions and infrastructure support components that could be implemented or scaled-up to tackle multiple forms of malnutrition in Peru. A policy mapping exercise was first undertaken (objective 1) followed by stakeholders' interviews to assess level of implementation (objective 2) and prioritisation (objective 3) of policies. 

Mapping of current policy activity was undertaken against 47 indicators of good practice for five DDAs (exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, food marketing, maternal nutrition, preschool nutrition; assessed by 27 indicators) and for the enabling policy environment, i.e. ‘infrastructure support’ (health in all policies, platforms for interactions, financing, monitoring, governance, leadership; assessed by 20 indicators). Interviews with 16 national experts explored views on the level of and barriers to implementation of DDAs and infrastructure support, as well as prioritisation of these based on their likely impact and feasibility. 

The work was conducted from October 2019 to June 2021 as part of a UK-Peru collaborative project (the PERUSANO study). 

The Spanish version of the evidence report presents the protocol for the policy mapping study and a detailed account of double-duty actions that exist in Peru to tackle multiple forms of malnutrition amongst infants and young children (IYC). The English version of this report only contains the protocol for the study and a high level summary of the policy landscape. 


This study was supported by CONCYTEC/PROCIENCIA Perú (032-2019 FONDECYT) and the UK Medical Research Council (MR/S024921/1) through the Newton Fund.



  • Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

Ethics review number

Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Ethical Review Committee of the Instituto de Investigación Nutricional (IIN) Peru (reference 388-2019/CIEI-IIN) and Loughborough University (C19-87).