Foundry work was first introduced into schools
some thirty years ago. At this time aluminium alloys were
generally used, LM4 and LM6 being the most suitable. Some
schools were a little more adventuresome and involved
themselves with casting iron and brasses, but the high
temperatures, obnoxious gases, noisy furnaces and inadequate
extraction, coupled with length and cost of melt and the
necessity of close furnace supervision, proved too much
of a handicap for most. Few persisted for long in their
attempts to introduce these materials into school. Progress
was virtually halted when legislation placed school workshops
under the jurisdiction of factory inspectors. This had
several very desirable effects in the long term and, although
working conditions in schools still lag far behind those of
industry, several positive developments were made. Standards
were raised by the insistence on adequate ventilation, efficient
extraction systems and a general tightening of safety in all
its aspects. [Continues.]
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Publication date
A Master's Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Philosophy at Loughborough University.