Loughborough University

The experimenter, covert process and the laboratory group

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posted on 2018-03-05, 09:45 authored by R.B. Scott
This thesis explores the proposition that there is a more or less covert dimension to the structure and process of small laboratory groups that is related to their experimenter-observer. The way in which certain tendencies in the historical development of the small group concept have excluded consideration of this area of group life is discussed. A review of research on experimental artifact then highlights work that substantiates the existence of this covert extraneous experimenter influence. A further review of sociological and psycho-analytic group concepts reveals that it can be understood by identifying the experimenter and his laboratory group as a single system; and investigating the implications for the group of the experimenter's executive role in its constituent and then secondary process as a leader-figure, suggests that the laboratory group itself may be a unique instance of experimental artifact. [Continues.]



  • Social Sciences


  • Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies


© R.B. Scott

Publisher statement

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Publication date



A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.


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